Since the beginning of 2020 and the beginning of the 3rd decade of this century, the world has been experiencing strange and sensitive events. Certainly, the most crucial event is Coronavirus (COVID-19) in all around the world and the effect of this virus on all technologies and businesses.
Without doubt, all people and companies such as micro economics, companies involved in macroeconomics, small local markets, and huge oil economic and political companies have realized the impact of this virus on the world economy. It might be interesting to know that, this virus even has had a severe effect on online businesses. Not by reducing them, but with the expansion and pressure of customers’ demands!!
Even large and industrialized countries are facing the lack of Internet bandwidth and they have asked streaming and video distribution companies on the Internet for reducing bandwidth, So that governments can maintain communication under this pressure. Often online businesses have encountered more customers’ demands and those who meet their customers’ demands have been and will be more successful sooner.
Definitely some businesses like online taxi companies have stagnated, but most other active online businesses have experienced an unprecedented growth. The most tangible company is Amazon. It has been facing more customers and their demands that makes this giant of the online sales industry have problems meeting its customers’ demands.
There are always numerous opportunities in every threat. We can find them and by thinking, planning and taking advantage of these opportunities, we’ll be able to help society.
One of the most obvious and accessible opportunities is bringing more businesses to the Internet. Every business needs this domain to survive in the current world and the world after Coronavirus. With a simple look at most businesses even in the early months of this crisis, we can see this change.
Educational institutes and their late entrance to this virtual domain, changing the procedure of online taxis activities to survive, online local sales businesses, hiring new staff in the warehousing department in big online sales companies to meet customers’ demands, telephone and face-to-face consulting and service companies, hospitals and using the Internet for clients’ schedule in crisis, changing the attitude of start-up companies towards health-related computer technologies, global Internet companies like Google to support similar businesses, families who don’t use IT tools due to the lack of scientific information, E-governments, etc. All of those by changing thinking and attitudes are hopeful about IT domain and its future.
Next era, not only makes this domain grow, but also creates new job opportunities and they’ll replace lost jobs. Declining the oil purchase contract option price to below zero was only a myth (cash oil price is still positive, however, this event had a specific message for the market), but the world has changed and those who check the sea waves from the shore and planning for them will succeed. Certainly in the world after Coronavirus, ordinary people and users and macroeconomic investors will change
their point of view towards IT domain.
Except for a few business uses go far, the main attitude towards IT domain has been its entertainment section. But the unwritten law of the world after Coronavirus will show us that not connecting to the World Wide Web is equal to destruction. Not only oil giants and their investors, but also local markets and consulting businesses.
Entering any new way will make challenges, so we must be aware that entering the world of Internet business or making customer communication platforms (website, online sale, application, social networks) will have challenges and costs and a wrong step in this direction, not only doesn’t make the business grow, but also imposes a worrying risk to businesses.
In order to eliminating this risk and making a huge opportunity out of the threat ahead, certainly the best way of entering is getting advice from experts in this domain. Then by using the created strategy in this domain, you’ll be able to revive or grow your business.
Marketgram’s experts, with their knowledge and experience in IT domain and business methods, apart from consulting and guiding you can create strategy and activity plan for your business. Then they’ll create or extend the best platform for your business activities and communications with their scientific abilities in computer science.